MFP Nano plus System

Filterprüfstand, Filtermedienprüfstand, Filterprüfsystem, Filtermedien, Streulichtspektrometer, Aerosolgenerator, Aerosolkonzentration, Aerosolerzeugung, Aerosolneutralisierung, Partikelgrößenanalyse, Fraktionsabscheidegradbestimmung, Mess- und Regeltechn

Test rig for accurate determination of the separation efficiency of ULPA and HEPA filter media and small complete filters

Filter media test rig in accordance to DIN EN 1822-3 and ISO 29463-3 with U-SMPS for determination of MPPS range
Real-time determination of fraction separation efficiency in accordance to DIN EN 1822-3 / ISO 29463-3 with two UF-CPC in raw and clean gas and detection of MMPS range

The MFP Nano plus is specially designed for the clear, fast and reproducible determination of the fractional efficiency in a size range from 20 nm to 0.8 µm and the pressure loss in a pressure range of up to 5000 Pa.

The individual components used for aerosol generation for salt and DEHS with the UGF 2000, for aerosol measurement with the Palas U-SMPS 2050 and for aerosol dilution by means of the adjustable dilution cascades and a dilution factor of 10, 100, 1,000, 10,000 are clearly characterized and optimally matched to each other.

The MFP Nano plus therefore offers maximum flexibility for different test requirements in terms of flow velocity, measuring time, test procedure and evaluation parameters for quality assurance and the development of filter media.

Reliable measurement results and simple operation guarantee economical characterization of filter media in accordance with standards and customer requirements. Quality assurance according to ISO 29463-3 and EN 1822-3 is exceeded with the MFP Nano plus.

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