AQ Guard Smart 2000

Air quality analyzer for monitoring nanoparticles (UFP number concentration, average diameter, LDSA) for demanding environmental conditions

AQ Guard Smart 2000 is a measuring device for monitoring particle concentrations in the ultrafine range. These ultrafine particles (UFP) significantly impact health, according to the World Health Organization (WHO). The WHO has therefore been recommending their monitoring since 2021. They typically cannot be detected by optical aerosol photometers or spectrometers due to their small size

Mass limit values such as PM2.5 and PM10 can be measured well with gravimetric methods; at the latest, for smaller PM1, ultrafine fractions are difficult to estimate and can be meaningfully assessed only by determining the particle concentration.

Expensive and more maintenance-intensive condensation particle counters are usually used to measure ultrafine particles. A size-classifying system (Scanning Mobility Particle Sizer) can make statements about particle size distribution and concentration.

Operation principle

Your special advantages

  • Simple and precise monitoring of UFP concentrations from 10 nm
  • Suitable for high concentrations up to 10,000,000 particles/cm3
  • Quick and easy installation
  • Long-term stability (24/7) and low maintenance, no working fluids required
  • Reliable measurements
  • Flexibility in communication and data transmission
  • Versatile application options, even in demanding environments
  • Access to data in real time and with high temporal resolution

Individual solutions for various industries

  • UFP concentrations in and around airports and seaports
  • Formation and dispersion studies
  • Immission monitoring of industrial plants
  • Urban air quality monitoring
  • Supplementary measurement of UFP concentrations at traffic-rich sites
Do you have any further questions?
Please do not hesitate to contact us.
Technical features

In detail

Measuring principle
Diffusion charging
Reported data
CN,average diameter X50,LDSA (Lung Deposited Surface Area),ambient pressure, ambient temperature, rel. ambient humidity
Measurement range (number C_N)
1,000 – 108particles/cm3
Measurement range (size)
From 0.01 µm
USB, Ethernet (LAN), Wi-Fi, 3G/4G via Modem, optional: LoRaWAN
UDP, ASCII, Modbus
Installation conditions
-20 – +40 °C
530 • 270 • 208 mm (H • W • D)
Approx. 6 kg
Special features
Heated inlet, mast / tripod mount
Data Management
Prepared for connection to the Palas Cloud MyAtmosphere ("MyAtmosphere-ready"); internet access and separate registration required.MyAtmosphere terms and conditions of use apply.

More information about AQ Guard Smart 2000

Brief Description

Brief product description in two-pages as PDF

Product Description

Detailed product description as PDF

Palas Application Construction Sites

Palas Application Hospital Roof

Palas Application Natural Events

Palas Application Smart City - City of Ettlingen

Palas Application Story Wood Stoves AQ Guard Smart System

Palas Brochure AQ Guard Smart 2000

Palas Brochure AQ Guard Smart System

Palas Brochure MyAtmosphere.pdf

Palas MCERTS AQ Guard Smart

Palas Poster Air Quality Natural Events La Palma

Palas Poster UFP AQ Guard Smart 2000

Palas_Application_Hybrid Network.pdf

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