2. Dez. 2018 (09:40)

Latest certificates and test reports for Fidas® 200 resp. Fidas® 200 S available!

Extended equivalence campaign (Germany + UK) and the qualification of MonoDust 1500 are part of the new documents

Feinstaubmessgerät Fidas 200 S, TÜV-zertifiziert

The latest certificates and test reports for Fidas® 200 resp. Fidas® 200 S are available on http://www.qal1.de/en/hersteller/palas.htm .

Compared to the previous certificate, it now also contains the extended equivalence campaign (Germany + UK) and the qualification of MonoDust 1500. Furthermore, it highlights now explicitly also Fidas® 200 (not only Fidas® 200 S) on the front page.

The certificates respectively the test reports can be downloaded either in German language under

Certificate (GER):

Report (GER):

or in English language under

Certificate (ENG):

Report (ENG):

In case of questions and remarks feel free to contact Palas ® .

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